Aventurin{e} 6105R released

A new version of Aventurin{e} based on CentOS5 has been released.

We're happy to announce that Aventurin{e} 6105R v5.1 is now available for download.

The new ISO images for Aventurin{e} include a newer installer, which (for Aventurin{e} - Standard) now supports up to four internal or external hard disks. RAID modes RAID0, RAID1 (2-3 disks) and RAID0+1 (four disks required) are supported through software RAID. External storage (through iSCSI) is also supported.

Aventurin{e} 6105R is based on CentOS5 and comes with a 2.6.18 kernel. VPS migrations between Aventurin{e} 6102R (CentOS4) and 6105R (CentOS5) are possible both ways.

As the installation media of 6105R is pretty recent, this should solve some installation issue which had been reported to us for the CentOS4.6 based 6102R ISO image. Aside from the newer Kernel, the new host OS and the newer ISO image both versions of Aventurin{e} are entirely identical.

Despite that an upgrade procedure which allows upgrades from 6102R to 6105R will be provided shortly. Both as a paid service provided by Solarspeed.net and as a self service procedure. However, if you're running 6102R now, there is no immediate need to upgrade, as both versions of Aventurin{e} will be maintained side by side until CentOS4 is EOL'ed upstream.

CentOS-5.2 will be released within the next few days and when that happens, we'll provide yet another - more modern - ISO image of Aventurin{e} based on CentOS-5.2.

Existing clients who want to download the updated ISO images can find them at the same URL that was provided in the email you received after ordering Aventurin{e}. If your download URL shows the full path to the *.iso, remove the filename and look into the download directory itself to find the new ISO.

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Jun 22, 2008 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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