Aventurin{e} 6106R released

Aventurin{e} 6106R on SL 6 has been released.

We're happy to announce that Aventurin{e} 6106R is now available for download.

The new ISO images for Aventurin{e} include a new unified installer for both Standard and Cluster install. So you can choose during initial setup if you want to use Clustering or not.

New features of Aventurin{e} 6106R:

  • Base OS: Scientific Linux 6 (64-bit)
  • Ability to virtualize VPS's using not only OpenVZ, but also KVM.
  • Combined installer for Aventurin{e} "Standard" and "Cluster".
  • Ability to turn a "Standard" into a "Cluster" later on.
  • New backup/restore procedure for VPS's, including keeping multiple versions of backups and storing them on unprivileged FTP or SSH accounts elsewhere.
  • New partitioning scheme.
  • Faster and better GUI management for VPS's.
  • Ability to run both 32-bit and 64-bit VPS's on the same box.
  • Ability to run non-Linux VPS\'s through KVM based virtualization.

That's it pretty much in a nutshell.

The main source code of Aventurin{e} 6106R is based on the latest BlueOnyx 5108R sources and the modules needed for the virtualization aspects have been rewritten mostly from scratch. Some parts of the virtualization GUI are still under revision and are - at this time - in the final stages of shaping up.

VPS migrations between Aventurin{e} 6102R (CentOS4), 6105R (CentOS5) and 6106R (SL 6) are possible in each direction.

Existing clients who want to download the updated ISO images can find them at the same URL that was provided in the email you received after ordering Aventurin{e}. If your download URL shows the full path to the *.iso, remove the filename and look into the download directory itself to find the new ISO.

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Mar 1, 2012 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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