Aventurin{e} 6108R released

We're proud to announce the release of Aventurin{e} 6108R.

Today Aventurin{e} 6108R has been released.

It's essentially Aventurin{e} 6106R on SL 6 with a the new "Chorizo" GUI and OpenVZ (legacy), but has been modernized from the ground up. We trimmed down the code base massively and eleminated redundancies by providing a centralized library that deals with all aspects that the GUI needs to know to create and manage VPS's. All subsequent GUI pages tied into that. We also lightened the load on CODB by making it redundant. All VPS information is fetched at runtime from the VPS's and their config files. The GUI's CODB database backend is only used lightly now in order to store configuration data that is just related to the GUI and not present in the VPS config files.

Overall this provides a very good speed increase and makes sure that the GUI can better deal with manual configuration changes of VPS's that have been performed on the command line. Such as changing VPS parameters or offloading or inheriting VPS's via "vzmigrate". The old GUI needed a CCEd restart to learn these changes. The new GUI learns it on the fly.

We also changed our terms of usage conditions and the licensing for Aventurin{e}. The complete new Aventurin{e} License Agreement now allows that you can make unmodified copies of the ISO image available to third parties. Additionally the former "Blade Edition" that allows to run 1 VPS is now available free of charge. In essence this makes Aventurin{e} 6108R available free of charge and allows you to create, run and manage a single VPS without purchasing a license. If you want to run more VPS's on Aventurin{e} 6108R, then you need to purchase an Aventurin{e} License Extension. Clients who already do have an Aventurin{e} license can use the existing license details on 6108R to unlock the ability to run more than one VPS.

An updated ISO image of Aventurin{e} 6108R is available for download and a procedure for upgrading Aventurin{e} 6106R to 6108R via YUM is also available.

Please note: Aventurin{e} 6108R drops the clustering support. For the time being we will not release ISO images with cluster support, as the demand for that has pretty much dwindled to zero. If and when this changes, then we might reconsider. If you upgrade an existing 6106R Cluster to 6108R, then the clustering will still work, but (for now) you will loose the ability to manage the cluster configuration via the GUI. A separate base-cluster module for 6108R will eventually be released within the next month.

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Jul 26, 2016 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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