6110R Released

Aventurin{e} 6110R has been released!

After a prolonged period of development the new Aventurin{e} 6110R for BlueOnyx 5211R has been officially released today.

Aventurin{e} no longer ships as separate ISO image, but instead it is a PKG that can be installed on a BlueOnyx 5211R and turns that 5211R into a virtualization node.

Installation Instructions:

Instructions on how to install BlueOnyx 5211R and then Aventurin{e} 6110R can be found here.

Existing Aventurin{e} users:

If you are an existing Aventurin{e} user, then you are eligible for a 35% discount on Aventurin{e} 6110R licenses.

Aug 7, 2024 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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