More beta-testers!

More clients willing to take on Aventurin{e} volunteered as beta-testers. Encouraged by the success of the first productive Aventurin{e} install we took them on.

More clients willing to take on Aventurin{e} volunteered as beta-testers. Encouraged by the success of the first productive Aventurin{e} install we took them on during January and February.

However, this time around the ride wasn't as smooth as expected. On one had this had to do with newer OpenVZ kernels that we had experimented with. Some of these kernels really had issues which affected the stability in a pretty nasty fashion. This took a lot of time and patience - especially patience on the end of the involved clients. Eventually the issues were located and solved.

Meanwhile development on the Backup GUI for Aventurin{e} continued and further enhancements and improvements were added.

Feb 27, 2007 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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