Instance Management

When you switch to the management pages of a specific instance, the "Options" menu on the left-hand side of the GUI changes and allows you to choose between various options for further management of the selected instance:

Statistics: This shows disk space allocation (and usage) if the instance. And if the instance is running? Then this page will also show graphs for the resource usage of the instance. Such as overall usage, CPU-, Memory-, Disk- and Network-utilization. These statistics update their plot every five seconds.

Configuration: This looks similar to the GUI page you used to create the instance and most of the same option seen there already remain configurable. Some cannot be changed after instance creation, though.

YAML Editor: Incus saves config data in YAM format. That is basically plain text, but indented in a certain way. Our YAML Editor in the GUI allows administrators with the privilege "Manage Incus" to use the YAML editor to configure ALL options of an instance. However: Administrators with the lesser privilege "Manage Incus Instances" do NOT have that option or ability.

Start/Stop: Allows you to start, restart or stop an instance via the GUI.

Password: If the instance is running, then that GUI page can be used to reset the "root" password.

Backup: Allows you to perform a backup and/or restore of an instance. You can also configure a schedule at which backups will be created automatically and how long they are retained.

Snapshot: Allows you to perform a snapshot of an instance and you can also restore an instance from a snapshot. You can also configure a schedule at which snapshots will be created automatically and how long they are retained.

Please note: The creation of a backup or snapshot of an instance is disruptive.

While the backup or snapshot procedure runs, the instance will be frozen in state and will drop off the network. It will auto-resume whatever it was doing after the creation of the backup or snapshot has been finished.


The Console menu entry will grant administrator users with the privilege "Manage Incus" a root shell (/bin/bash) in a running instance. Users with the lesser privilege "Manage Incus Instances" will instead get a shell with /bin/login and need to authenticate with a valid username and password.


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